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Weekly Horoscope

Welcome to your weekly horoscope! Let's see what tarot card and oracle card have been assigned to your zodiac sign this week.

Aries - Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles shows a proud woman standing in her garden. She is wearing a golden dress, showing her wealth and status. The plants behind her are full of grapes and pentacles, symbolising her accomplishments. The Nine of Pentacles is telling you to keep going and feel proud of everything you have achieved already. Oracle card - Intuition.

Taurus - Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups shows itself when you are facing a decision and instead of choosing what you think is best for everyone else, you are using your intuition and gut feeling to help you choose. You may come up with your own list of desires in order to come to the right decision for you. Make sure that whatever you choose aligns with your values and inner being. Oracle card - Happiness.

Gemini - King of Swords

The King of Swords is asking you to use your logic and intellect to help you along your path. You may need to do some research before you make any decisions and make sure you stay fair with others in the meantime. When something happens and you don't know what to think of it, take a step back and look at it with an impartial and balanced view. Oracle card - Death.

Cancer - The Sun

In The Sun, a young child is sitting on a white horse. The child represents the happiness you feel when you are connected to your inner being and the fact that he isn't wearing any clothes symbolises the purity of childhood. He is on a white horse, which also shows purity and strength. Allow yourself to connect with your childlike side and don't forget to have some fun! Oracle card - Frustration.

Leo - The Tower

It seems you are going through a personal transformation Leo. Over the past few months, your life has started to change and now you are adjusting to the new life that you have worked hard to achieve. You are changing for the better and are becoming a more confident and happier person. It can sometimes feel a bit unsettling to go through this, yet it all feels very natural. Oracle card - Success.

Virgo - King of Cups

Your compassionate nature is what is helping you and others at the moment Virgo. If there is someone you know who has been struggling, know that you are someone they can trust and count on. Remember to also be compassionate with yourself as well. Treat yourself the same as you would your best friend. Stay kind and loving. Oracle card - Ideation.

Libra - The Moon

The Moon shows a Full Moon in the night's sky in between two towers. This card is a symbol of intuition, dreams and the subconscious. Compared to the Sun, the Moon doesn't shine as bright and only slightly illuminates our path. This means that in order to make any decisions, you must trust your gut and know that you don't have all of the facts. Oracle card - Love.

Scorpio - Knight of Wands

You have been inspired to take action on something Scorpio! Take this as your sign to keep going and get stuff done. Whether it be work related or personal, you know that now is the time to put in the hard work in order to reap the benefits later. Use your inspiration and take it far. Get everything together, so that later on you can enjoy the outcome. Oracle card - Caution.

Sagittarius - Five of Wands

In the Five of Wands, five men are fighting each other, using their wands as weapons. However, the wands aren't actually hurting anyone and are just raised in an intimidating position. There is no purpose for this fight, apart from to try and create a conflict. This card is telling you to not start any arguments that will lead to nowhere. Oracle card - Flow.

Capricorn - Four of Cups

Use this time to look within and ask yourself if your upcoming projects are a good fit for you. Instead of saying 'yes' straight away, take a step back and assess the situation. However, make sure you don't lose the opportunity while you are thinking it over. Check if this person is willing to wait for you and of they're not, trust your intuition. Oracle card - Reflection.

Aquarius - The World + The High Priestess

It feels as if you need two cards this week Aquarius! The World is saying that if you have any loose ends at the moment, it's time to bring them to completion. However, in order to do this, you must make space for new beginnings to emerge. The High Priestess is telling you to become more in touch with your intuitive side and subconscious. Oracle card - Abundance.

Pisces - King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles represents material wealth and worldly success. This King is a provider and uses his ambition to create wealth for himself and others and defines his self-worth by what he has and what he can give to others. This is the time to provide guidance and wisdom to others who may need it, especially when it comes to work matters. Oracle cards - Magic + Anxiety.

By Pia Louisa

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