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This Week's Tarot Reading

Time has come again for another horoscope based tarot reading! Tarot helps us find a direction when we can sometimes feel lost and with 78 cards in the deck, there will be an answer in there somewhere. Let's find out what the cards have in store for your star sign.

Aries - Two of Swords

It seems as if you are in two minds at the moment Aries. Your thoughts are fighting against each other and it seems impossible to find a conclusion. Take a few deep breaths and remember that you have control over your thoughts. You don't have to pick a side yet, but try and get your thoughts back in line.

Taurus - Five of Cups

You are moving on Taurus! Whether this feels good or bad now, it is definitely for the best in the long run. The past may have caused you some pain, but you no longer have to worry as you are finally moving away from all the grief.

Gemini - Six of Pentacles

Your faith in people is beautiful Gemini. However, sometimes giving everything you have to others, isn't the best solution. Yes, it may feel wonderful knowing that you are helping, but you can't help anyone without looking after yourself first. Try and find a way to be there for your friends and family without it weighing down on you.

Cancer - The Chariot

Take this as your sign of encouragement. You have figured out what you want and are now ready to go out and get it. By using your determination and willpower, there is nothing that will be able to stop you!

Leo - King of Cups

You are in a place in your life Leo where you are able to help others through their tough times. The King of Cups is powerful, yet emotional. Channel this energy and treat others around you with compassion and patience.

Virgo - Eight of Cups

Do you ever get that feeling like you are aimlessly drifting and can't quite find your place? Don't worry Virgo, that is totally normal. As an Earth sign, you can forget that you don't always have to be strong and successful. Take some time to figure yourself out and find a place where you can be who you really are.

Libra - Death

Don't worry, this card doesn't mean what you think! Death is all about transformation and you, Libra, are going through quite a change at the moment. Whether it is mentally or physically going on around you, welcome it in. Sometimes, you have to get rid of the old, to bring in the new.

Scorpio - Two of Pentacles

Prioritisation is key for you Scorpio. Try and organise in your mind what is important and what isn't. Juggling responsibilities can be tough and right now, it isn't what you should be doing. It's ok to take things one step at a time.

Sagittarius - Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords indicates that you are trying to get away with something you know you shouldn't be doing. Honesty is what is best here, as the more you try to hide, the worse it is going to be if you get caught.

Capricorn - Eight of Pentacles

Life feels a bit repetitive at the moment for you Cap. Don't fear though, it is all in your control. The problem isn't your routine, it is the fact that you are doing things that you aren't enjoying. Take a day to cut out anything you don't take pleasure in and see how you feel after. Nothing is set in stone.

Aquarius - Wheel Of Fortune

There is a turning point in your life coming up! Things you never expected to happen are now there for you to take. It may be all a bit overwhelming, but this is your time. Let the universe do its thing and guide you on the right path. It's all waiting for you.

Pisces - Five of Wands

Conflict has appeared in your life Pisces and it has been difficult knowing how to deal with it. Whether it be at work, or in your family life, there has been a change in someone you know. Let it play out. This will probably just be a short-term problem, however if you feel it is getting out if hand, don't be afraid to sit down and have a chat with them about it.

By Pia Talbot

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